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Are you using Enterprise Asset Management Best Practices?

It’s easy to fall into the habit of using your Computerised Maintenance Management System (CMMS)/Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) system for your ‘favourite problems’ on a day-to-day basis. However, establishing Asset Management Best Practices has many benefits for you and your team.

Can your powerful CMMS/EAM system do more for you?

CMMS systems are a bit like our brains. We know it’s incredible. We know it can do amazing stuff, and yet we only use 10% of it. What if you could unlock that extra 90% of your CMMS/EAM system?

Imagine the difference to your workplace if you could unlock the other 90% not being utilised… or perhaps not utilised very well…  and ensure you are implementing best practices every step of the way.

No more putting out those daily fires. No more Post-It note ‘must do’ (when you have the time) and no more frustrated inter-department emails because something slipped through the cracks and in some cases, created (predictable in hindsight) downstream issues.


Learn new ways to use your CMMS/EAM software and outline your Asset Management Best Practices

Your role as an operations manager is complex, and it is difficult to find the time to learn how to get the most out of your investment in a computerised maintenance management system. Or to figure out whether you could be using it better to implement best practice strategies and take more of the load off your shoulders.

See if these questions start you nodding…

  • Do you and your department get blamed for constant breakdowns?
  • Have inefficiencies started to creep into your CMMS/EAM system?
  • Have your preventative maintenance schedules become too complex?
  • Is your asset data incomplete?
  • Are you missing opportunities because the system just isn’t coping?
  • Are there complaints, tantrums, walkouts, picket lines, news reporters, and lawyers??? Ok, ok. So things haven’t become THAT drastic!

The good news is you are not alone. It’s more common than you might think for operation and maintenance managers at a large facility to have a powerful CMMS at their fingertips — but not have the time to make the most of its functionality.

If your system is not running at optimum efficiency, it could be time for a CMMS health check

Without your CMMS/EAM system running at optimum efficiency, things start to fall apart. So, it might just be time for a full review of your CMMS/EAM system.

A CMMS health check scan will identify:

  • What percentage you’re effectively implementing and
  • What is yet to be ‘switched on’ or integrated

Regardless of whether you are using a CMMS, or a manual system, there’s nothing like a fresh pair of expert eyes to help you see where and how you could be saving time, and getting more done in an easier manner. For example:

  • It could be appropriate naming protocols haven’t been used or adhered to.
  • Or classifications are too general — or haven’t been assigned correctly.
  • Maybe incremental errors have occurred as a result of scheduled PMs not being set correctly.
  • Or if labour records are not being kept up to date, there might be discrepancies in staff and contractor’s licenses, qualifications and competencies.

All small things, but all with potentially serious ramifications.

A health check of your system enables a CMMS/EAM consultant to take a good look into:

  • How your daily workflow operates,
  • Review your current methods and procedures, and
  • Identify opportunities for future improvements.

Valuable insights can be gained from an ‘outside’ professional analysing your system.

A health check analysis can quickly identify:

  • Deficiencies,
  • Improve efficiencies,
  • Help to optimise your CMMS/ EAM and
  • Make your job a lot easier, by simply discovering what’s working, what’s not and what to do about it!

A fresh set of expert eyes from a professional consultant can pinpoint errors, detect problems waiting to happen, help prevent future issues and suggest Asset Management Best Practices.

What should be included in a maintenance management system health check?

  • It must examine your current processes and study your present management systems within the CMMS/EAM.
  • It should be non-obtrusive. You can’t afford downtime, so consider conducting a health check in your quiet(er) period.
  • While some preliminary work can be carried out offsite, it’s best to conduct the assessment with the system administrator, supervisors and maintenance staff in attendance to ensure input is received from all involved.
  • A thorough system health check should generally take 2-3 days for medium-sized customers with CMMS/EAM systems. This can vary depending on the size and complexity of your system.
  • A comprehensive, in-depth report should be included. It would provide a full appraisal of your current situation, as well as recommendations for improvement, plus details of benefits you’ll enjoy as a result of implementation if required.
  • IMPORTANT: The health check should be conducted by a consultant from a technical background… not a salesperson!

Your CMMS/EAM health check report

The report is back from the ‘doctor’ on the health of your CMMS/EAS. It might require a little minor surgery, or it may just be given the all-clear. If there are a large number of potential safety and efficiency gains identified, it could be time to look at the business case for an upgrade to a more capable system.

Whatever the outcome, at least you will know where the opportunities are, and what you can do to capitalise on them.

We’d love to help you make the most of your EAM/CMMS

Like you, we care about managing preventive maintenance. Let us run a full System Health Check on your CMMS/EAM system.

With the report in hand, you can implement any or all recommendations yourself, or engage MCGlobal Solutions to do it all for you if you prefer.

Your health check will streamline your system and make it more efficient than ever. You’ll have peace of mind, and you’ll know that you are making the most of your investment in your EAM/CMMS.

For more information about Enterprise Asset Management systems, or advice on specific problems and challenges you are facing, please call MCGlobal Solutions on (07) 3303 0177 or click here to contact us.